Goal 3
Recruit, develop, and retain exceptional faculty and staff who are leaders in expanding knowledge to improve the quality of life and sustainability of the human and physical environment.
Goal 3 Microgoals
Goal 3A: By 2017, recommend policies and procedures to promote hiring and retention of high quality faculty and staff.
Goal 3B: Full-time faculty and staff will attend at least one professional development, continuing education, or business-procedure training on an annual basis.
Goal 3C: Using categories of faculty and staff, annually review compensation for at least one category per year with the goal of completing all by 2020 and repeat the reviews at least once every five years thereafter.
Goal 3D: By 2020, enable the CAFE Office for Advancement staff to increase external funding through gifts and endowments by 15 percent, or 3 percent annually.
Goal 3E: By 2020, increase grant and contract funding by 20 percent.
Goal 3F: Increase international scholarly exchange and collaboration.